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iHealth Integration Solutions

How would you like to integrate easily our iHealth devices into your solution?

We have 3 options:

  • API integration
  • SDK integration
  • Persona Informatics integrates patient generated data from iHealth

Contact Craig Simmonds for more information M:0484 340 420








iHealth API integration

Synchronise data from iHealth Cloud

iHealth API allows you to retrieve iHealth users data with their agreement.

API integration is ideal if users already use iHealth devices on their own.

iHealth SDK integration

Integrate iHealth devices to your solution

iHealth SDK allows your development team to integrate seamlessly iHealth smart devices to your solution.

SDK integration is ideal if you want a fully integrated solution and have an experiences development team.

Persona delivers last-mile clinical intelligence

Persona leverages global terminology standards (SNOMED CT, LOINC) along with widely used messaging formats (FHIR, HL7v2, CDA and others) in order to provide a seamless flow of interoperable data where it's needed most.

Persona's ability to provide data in structured, interoperable formats supports direct integration into clinical workflow and continuous decision support, while offering data quality that is leagues above anything else in the market today.

The onboarding solution is simple and elegant, collecting patient consent and putting control firmly in the user's hands.


For more information please call

Craig Simmonds on 0484 340 420